How do you leave the planet cleaner? We think food carry bags are a good way to start. All our materials for carry bags are created from agricultural residue sourced locally. They are food-safe and FDA approved. (Our paper has a natural gloss on one side so printing for your brand shines through). With lots of R&D and over 40 years of trial and error, we have built materials strong enough to do the job. Now, our materials are used for McDonald’s take away, food grocery bags, bakery bags, and Myntra e-commerce bags.


    Compostable flexible packaging is an engineering trick. These packages have to protect their contents against both moisture and oxygen while being able to biodegrade. Trust us, this is not an easy task. After more than ten years of innovating with researchers across the globe, we are now able to provide a substrate that can effectively do the job for non-aromatic products. And, the best parts? This material can run on the same traditional conversion machines and is heat sealable. Engineering trick maybe. We think of it as magic.


    We want the world to eat safe. With a range of food service products made from sugarcane pulp, we can serve food without delivering a dose of carcinogens and bleach with your meal. Our modular design allows you to save money and your customers to appreciate the distinctive image. The serviceware has been intentionally designed to make your customers go “yum” about not just their curry, but also the design chops of our serviceware. Don’t believe us? We won the highest design award from Red Dot Germany, Good Design in Japan, India design and NCII. Now that’s some proof in the pudding.


    The world has a lot of agricultural fiber. Instead of dumping or burning these leftovers, we buy sugarcane waste and effectively pulp it. What can you do with this pulp? Specialty papers like greaseproof, glassine, release base, parchment, tissues, and even molded products are made from our wet lap pulp.